Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Cybersmart progect

Today I worked on sisomo.

I learnt that I learnt that Sisomo is slide,  sight, & motion working together to attract the viewer's attention.

I really enjoyed adding music to the slides.

I found it hard to record my voice  clearly.

I found it easy to change the way that the slides change over.

Next time I want to put in different music.

This blog post shows I am a Smart Learner blogger

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Smart Surfing

Today I worked on Smart Surfing.

I learnt that Captian Cook landed in Gisborne on the 6 of of october 1796.

I found it hard to find this on just the explorer button.

I found it easy to answer the questions on the fun for fast finishers slide.

Next time I want to finish all of the things on the fast finishers slide

This blog post shows I am  a Smart Learner blogger